Built-in key-parameters allowing investors to realize a stable return


At least two-thirds of the revenue Media Capital Flanders generates for its investors is not dependent upon each film’s box office or commercial success. However, successful films may generate a significant uncapped upside on the back-end.

MCF works with a closed-end fund structure with a multi-year time horizon. We built in several key-parameters to guarantee stable returns to our investors.

Key parameters and benefits:

  • Last-in, first-out strategy.
  • The investor recoups in first position.
  • Participate in the back-end of commercially successful projects.
  • Diversifying the cash risk over multiple projects.
  • Individual projects recoup in a relatively short period of time (12 – 36 months).

Besides an attractive ROI, MCF also provides additional soft benefits such as:

  • Promotional opportunities for investors.
  • Invitations to premieres.
  • Meet-and-greet with the stars.
  • Set visits.
  • And more…


+32 3 207 27 80
Hopland 55
2000 Antwerp

Providing stable returns in an ever-changing media industry.